WA & JK Hinck Family Blog

These pages will have the updates. I still am learning this web design system.  There are active links, click on them to move around

Page 3 Bryan Bryan is now in his senior year at St. Olaf.  He continues to love  Read more...

Peter & Sarah Hinck 2005The highlight for us this past year was the wedding of our Peter to Sarah Mutch last February 5, in the Chapel of the Resurrection at Valparaiso University.   Read more...

Our 2005 Christmas-Epiphany

Whew, 2005--what a tumultuous year.  2005 certainly will stand out for most people across the world as a year   Read more...

I will use these Blog pages to update family newsletters and other information.  Since this is new to me, it may take some time playing with different formats.  On this first one, start with the bottom page and work up.