Hinck Blog

Judy    &       Walt


After our trip, we just slammed back into reality.  Judy had planned surgery on her left foot five days after we returned, kind of major reconstructive surgery to correct the inherited foot problems that she got from her mother.  She is doing well, but still having pain, still can’t walk easily for any prolonged time.  She is supposed to have nearly the same surgery on her right foot next summer, but right now is quite hesitant.  We’ll see how the next several months go.  Judy continues to be principal at Gethsemane Lutheran School in Maplewood.  She loves her teaching staff.  The rebuilding work is still quite a process, making some headway but not nearly done yet.  They need to increase the enrollment by 15-20 students a year over the next 3-5 years.


My practice at the Bloomington Lake Clinic continues.  This past year has been the most challenging ever in my career.  We went live with implementing our electronic health record system on May 17, and are still in the throes of making that work smoothly.  I think the analogy of rebuilding a 747 jet plane in flight without crashing or too much inconveniencing the passengers would be very apropos.  At this point it is certainly not making my practice day any shorter.  I look at it as one of the best ways to stave off any senility--I’m constantly having to learn to do something new or adapt differently.  We are working to get thru the learning curve, hopefully to have the system start making things easier.  Ask me where we are in about six months.  Once in a while I get a free moment to keep updating the family genealogy files.