
Saturday, January 31, 2015

I am continuing my clinic practice at the same level.  Our group integration into the Fairview Clinic system has gone well.  We are done with the remodeling project at the clinic, so that is quite nice.  I did decide to cut back and stepped away from doing the additional work at Urgent Care that I had been doing for the last 12 years.  I stopped that at the end of December.  I knew that I would be wanting more time freed up to be able to make quick trips to Michigan and now also to Cleveland.

I continue to work on the family genealogy.  Last July we were able to gather with a good number of family at the Stelzer reunion.  I welcome all of the updates that family members share with me.  We have a wonderful family and it keeps growing.  I will be happy to share any information will all who are interested in it.

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