Hinck Blog
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WA&JK Hinck family
Our 2007 Epiphany Newsletter
January 15, 2007
z Dear Family & Friends z
“Jesus get back in your manger!” This was the punch line that the visiting pastor used at our Epiphany service that got everyone's attention and quite a few chuckles. The story was of a set of young twins enacting the Christmas story and dressing the less than happy family kitten up as the baby Jesus. The kitten bolted for the safety under the master bed, and thus the outcry. What a great line!! He went on to elaborate how we too are guilty of wanting Jesus to stay in the manger, to be meek, mild and content. But wait, we are past that moment to Epiphany. Timeless God has entered into our world, and time moves forward.
We pray for the peace of the Lord for all.
Walt & Judy Hinck