Our 2021 Epiphany Newsletter
Saturday January 1, 2021
Hinck Blog
2 0 21 Y E A R R E V I E W
WA&JK Hinck family
z Dear Family & Friends z
We pray for the peace of the Lord for all.
Walt & Judy Hinck
2 0 20 Y E A R R E V I E W
WA&JK Hinck family
What a year that we all have just been through. This letter is getting out a bit later than our usual because of a month long major computer failure requiring hard drive replacement and then working to get all of my data restored. Luckily I did have a full backup on an external hard drive, but unluckily found out that that hard drive also had problems. Tech support and I have gotten to work together much more than I had intended. Now back to seeing the light. Happy Epiphany to you all dear family and friends.
We pray for continued progress, calm on the many fronts that are challenging our country and world.
We cherish our family and friends and pray for each of you.