WA & JK Hinck Family Blog

These pages will have the updates. I still am learning this web design system.  There are active links, click on them to move around

Our 2016 Epiphany Newsletter

You can’t see much with your eyes closed and your head down.. Read more...

Peter & Sarah

Peter and Sarah have now been in Traverse City...   Read more..

Jonah David & Greta Linnae

A few more pictures....    View More....

Bryan   &    Suzi

Lucy, Bryan and Suzi’s daughter, celebrated her first birthday.. Read more...

Bryan , Suzi & Lucy Ilene

A few more pictures....    View More....


Judy continues to do her work as a Guardian ad Litem...      Read more...


I am continuing my clinic practice at the same level...     Read more..

Germany trip- more pictures

A few more pictures....    View More....

This is my 11th installment.  Yearly installments just seem to be the way I can manage this. You start at the top now to begin