Our 2021 Epiphany Newsletter

Saturday January 1, 2021

Hinck Blog

2 0 21            Y E A R         R E V I E W  

WA&JK Hinck family

z Dear Family & Friends z


                                                                             We pray for the peace of the Lord for all.

                                                                                    Walt & Judy Hinck


WA&JK Hinck family

2 0 21            Y E A R         R E V I E W  


Saturday January 1, 2022

Just before New Years we mourned and celebrated our friend Susan Palo Cherwien. Her song reflects our prayer:

“Shine your future on this place, enlighten every guest, that thru us stream your holiness, bright and blest, bright and blest; come dawn, O Sun of grace.”  (As the Dark Awaits the Dawn, st. 4.  Hymn 261  ELW)


   Happy Epiphany to you all dear family and friends.

               We pray for continued progress, calm on the many fronts that are challenging our country and world.

               We cherish our family and friends and pray for each of you.  

Our 2022 Epiphany Newsletter