WA & JK Hinck Family Blog

These pages will have the updates. I still am learning this web design system.  There are active links, click on them to move around

WA & JK Hinck Family Blog

This is my 12th installment.  Yearly installments just seem to be the way I can manage this. You start at the top now to begin

Our 2017 Epiphany Newsletter

Again we are urged to look around and look to the light.  Read more...

Peter & Sarah

Peter and Sarah are enjoying Traverse City, MI. 

Jonah David & Greta Linnae

A few more pictures....    View More....

Bryan   &    Suzi

Lucy, Bryan and Suzi’s daughter, turned 2...

Lucy Ilene

A few more pictures....    View More....


Judy continues to do her work...


I am continuing my clinic practice...

Traveling in 2016

2016 was our year of traveling...

Grand Canyon Colorado River- more pictures

A few more pictures....    View More....